[photo: cow parsnip at Rose Creek Preserve]
“Inhabitory" describes an approach to writing within (and out of) senses of being one who inhabits, one who is "place-based," where place is conceived as a site of interspecies inhabitance and a "field of perpetual conflict," to quote J. B. Jackson. Each occasion or project creates its own terms, poetics, methods, knowing-making, meanings. This site gathers several works, some completed, some ongoing, and accounts, as much as possible, for the many writers and artists who inform and influence them.
We are all, momentarily & finally, some place.
To be inhabitory is to operate through spatially-located ways of knowing
& these may be at work in and as various confluences (landscape poetics, geopoetics,
& in Romantic (and, pre- and post-) poetic traditions
& species of philosophy and theory (Merleu-Ponty, DeCerteau, the Situationists, &c)
& and in (inter)disciplinary practices (humanist geography, anthropology, cultural studies, &c)
& feminist theory adds "situated knowledge," calling attention to the condition of gendered
& Edward Said introduces the idea of "imaginative geography" to emphasize the role
of perceptions and relationships in making a place
We are all, momentarily & finally, in zones of entanglement
& not situated in a “finite” place, but always passing through, adding our lines to
myriad trajectories (Tim Ingold)
If ecopoetical thinking attends to relationships between organisms and their shared environments, and to the material and ideological processes that shape these, then inhabitory-poetical thinking is wound up in, bound up with, and responsive to these. To maintain an ihabitory practice to to contribute to place as it is being constituted, and knowledges thereof being constituted - recognizing that these are one and the same.